BUS 800 Faith@Work: An Executive Education Certificate Program

Religion or belief is the heart of every employee, even those who choose to be agnostic or an atheist. Data shows that employees that feel free to live and work according to their core belief identity demonstrate higher levels of innovation, creativity, and loyalty to their organization, directly affecting business success. By using analytical skills and building the knowledge necessary to operate in a religiously diverse context, participants will gain an inclusive mindset. The seminar is taught in English, includes pre- and post-tests, interactive exercises, and concrete tools for actively fostering religious diversity and inclusion (RD&I) in the workplace and religious understanding for success in the marketplace.

Executive Education Certificate Program

Earn an executive education certificate from the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation by completing the following courses. Each course will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete at your own pace.

BUS 801 Faith@Work: The Business Case for Religious Freedom

BUS 802 Faith@Work: Workplace Case Studies

BUS 803 Faith@Work: The Law and Threats to Ignoring Faith at Work

BUS 804 Faith@Work: Religious Literacy in Business

BUS 805 Faith@Work: Religious Accommodations in the Workplace

BUS 806 Faith@Work: Goals for Moving Forward

Certificate Outcomes

By completing the 800-level certificate program, you will be able to:

  1. Explain how religion and belief of employees impact a workplace environment and actual bottom-line outcomes. 
  2. Identify components of a workplace of accommodation regarding religion and belief.
  3. Employ skills and techniques to counter workplace discrimination and encourage accommodation regarding religion and belief.
  4. Access resources that can help them lead in and build environments of accommodation regarding religion and belief.

Each course session consists of specific session learning outcomes, a recorded session from the instructor, readings, questions and concepts, and assignments that should be submitted before the beginning of the next session. 



Paul W. Lambert MA

Board Member and Senior Business Fellow, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation
Principal, Paul Lambert Consulting

Dr. Brian J. Grim

President, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

Greg Clark J.D.

Vice President, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation
Partner, Hughes, Fields & Stoby

Melissa E. Grim JD, MTS

Senior Research Fellow and Project Director
Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

Kent Johnson J.D.

Senior Corporate Advisor
Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

+5 enrolled
Not Enrolled
$280 for Executive Education Certificate
16 hours for Executive Education Certificate

College, Graduate, Professional Development

Civic Education for a Common Good

We apply the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business’s 2020 Guiding Principles and Standards for Business Accreditation

We fulfill the AACSB accreditation standards on ethics and integrity, societal impact, mission-driven focus; peer review, continuous improvement, collegiality, agility, global mindset, with special attention to the standard on diversity and inclusion.

We apply the U.S. Department of Education’s Consensus Statements about Constitutional Approaches for Teaching about Religion

▸ Our approach to religion is academic, not devotional;
▸ We strive for student awareness of religions, but do not press for student acceptance of any religion;
▸ We sponsor the study about religion, not the practice of religion;
▸ We expose students to a diversity of religious views, but may not impose any particular view;
▸ We educate about all religions, we do not promote or denigrate any religion;
▸ We inform students about religious beliefs and practices, we do not seek to conform students to any particular belief or practice.

We apply the American Academy of Religion’s “Religious Literacy Guidelines”

▸ “Religious Literacy Guidelines for College Students.” American Academy of Religion, 2019.
▸ “Teaching About Religion: AAR Guidelines for K-12 Public Schools.” American Academy of Religion, April 2010.

We apply the National Council for the Social Studies C3 Frameworks for Religious Studies

College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards, “Religious Studies Companion Document for the C3 Framework.” Silver Spring, MD: National Council for the Social Studies, 2017.