Virtues in the Public Square is an education initiative of the Religious Freedom Institute. The multimedia course will be published on the social learning community
Virtues in the Public Square draws on the insights of two dozen scholars of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The lessons translate the classical traditions of virtue for modern audiences. Rooted in the transformative power of Love and in service to the greater public, the project is a potent antidote to rising political strife and polarization. The course models how our many spiritual paths can overlap to collectively forge a common good.
Learners will receive free access to and the companion app and explore eight lessons based on the following virtues: wisdom, justice, courage, temperance, friendship, humility, and generosity.
In each lesson, learners use the app to take the following WISE steps. They Watch videos about the diverse ways that virtue is understood in the three traditions; Interact with retention games to cultivate the civic competency of religious literacy; Study with leading experts by listening to audio roundtables and reading illuminating commentary; and Engage with one another through discussion forums, photo sharing, and games.
Learners will leave the experience having experienced a series of multifaith encounters, having developed the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and motivations for living in a religiously diverse society, and ultimately, working together to virtuously pursue the common good.
Learning Objectives
The following curriculum uses the KSAM hallmarks of religious literacy (pronounced Kah-Zam). By successfully completing this lesson you will:
- Increase your Knowledge about how scholars in three faith traditions understand the applicability of classic virtues to modern life;
- Develop new Skills to engage in multifaith dialogue online;
- Cultivate the Attitudes of curiosity and empathy when invited to seek to understand one another, aware that understanding need not imply agreement; and
- Clearly articulate your Motivations for how to encounter people of different faiths in the public square.
Course Calendar
Orientation & Pre-Course Survey
☐ Complete the Orientation lesson.
☐ Complete the Pre-Course Survey.
Required Lesson
☐ Complete Lesson 1. The Virtues Tradition
Choose one Virtue
☐ Complete the first virtue lesson of your choice, either Wisdom, Justice, or Courage.
Choose second Virtue
☐ Complete the second virtue lesson of your choice, either Wisdom, Justice, or Courage.
Mid-Course Survey
☐ Complete the Mid-Course Survey by the start of the live class.
☐ Join the optional LIVE meeting on the first Wednesday of every month at 12 noon Eastern.
Choose third Virtue
☐ Complete the third virtue lesson of your choice, either Temperance, Humility, Generosity, and Friendship.
Choose fourth Virtue
☐ Complete the fourth virtue lesson of your choice, either Temperance, Humility, Generosity, and Friendship.
Post-Course Survey
☐ Complete the Post-Course Survey by the start of the live class.